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Automatic medical image classification is a very important field where the use of AI has the potential to have a real social impact. However, there are still many challenges that act as obstacles to making practically effective solutions. One of those is the fact that most of the medical imaging datasets have a class imbalance problem. This leads to the fact that existing AI techniques, particularly neural network-based deep-learning methodologies, often perform poorly in such scenarios. Thus this makes this area an interesting and active research focus for researchers. In this study, we propose a novel loss function to train neural network models to mitigate this critical issue in this important field. Through rigorous experiments on three independently collected datasets of three different medical imaging domains, we empirically show that our proposed loss function consistently performs well with an improvement between 2%-10% macro f1 when compared to the baseline models. We hope that our work will precipitate new research toward a more generalized approach to medical image classification.
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Energy management systems (EMS) are becoming increasingly important in order to utilize the continuously growing curtailed renewable energy. Promising energy storage systems (ESS), such as batteries and green hydrogen should be employed to maximize the efficiency of energy stakeholders. However, optimal decision-making, i.e., planning the leveraging between different strategies, is confronted with the complexity and uncertainties of large-scale problems. Here, we propose a sophisticated deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methodology with a policy-based algorithm to realize the real-time optimal ESS planning under the curtailed renewable energy uncertainty. A quantitative performance comparison proved that the DRL agent outperforms the scenario-based stochastic optimization (SO) algorithm, even with a wide action and observation space. Owing to the uncertainty rejection capability of the DRL, we could confirm a robust performance, under a large uncertainty of the curtailed renewable energy, with a maximizing net profit and stable system. Action-mapping was performed for visually assessing the action taken by the DRL agent according to the state. The corresponding results confirmed that the DRL agent learns the way like what a human expert would do, suggesting reliable application of the proposed methodology.
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由于钻孔对准的困难以及任务的固有不稳定性,在手动完成时,在弯曲的表面上钻一个孔很容易失败,可能会对工人造成伤害和疲劳。另一方面,在实际制造环境中充分自动化此类任务可能是不切实际的,因为到达装配线的零件可以具有各种复杂形状,在这些零件上不容易访问钻头位置,从而使自动化路径计划变得困难。在这项工作中,开发并部署了一个具有6个自由度的自适应入学控制器,并部署在Kuka LBR IIWA 7配件上,使操作员能够用一只手舒适地在机器人上安装在机器人上的钻头,并在弯曲的表面上开放孔,并在弯曲的表面上开放孔。通过AR界面提供的玉米饼和视觉指导的触觉指导。接收阻尼的实时适应性在自由空间中驱动机器人时,可以在确保钻孔过程中稳定时提供更高的透明度。用户将钻头足够靠近钻头目标并大致与所需的钻探角度对齐后,触觉指导模块首先对对齐进行微调,然后将用户运动仅限于钻孔轴,然后操作员仅将钻头推动钻头以最小的努力进入工件。进行了两组实验,以定量地研究触觉指导模块的潜在好处(实验I),以及根据参与者的主观意见(实验II),提出的用于实际制造环境的PHRI系统的实际价值。
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眼科图像可能包含相同的外观病理,这些病理可能导致自动化技术的失败以区分不同的视网膜退行性疾病。此外,依赖大型注释数据集和缺乏知识蒸馏可以限制基于ML的临床支持系统在现实环境中的部署。为了提高知识的鲁棒性和可传递性,需要一个增强的特征学习模块才能从视网膜子空间中提取有意义的空间表示。这样的模块(如果有效使用)可以检测到独特的疾病特征并区分这种视网膜退行性病理的严重程度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个具有三个学习头的健壮疾病检测结构,i)是视网膜疾病分类的监督编码器,ii)一种无监督的解码器,用于重建疾病特异性的空间信息,iiii iii)一个新的表示模块,用于学习模块了解编码器折叠功能和增强模型的准确性之间的相似性。我们对两个公开可用的OCT数据集的实验结果表明,该模型在准确性,可解释性和鲁棒性方面优于现有的最新模型,用于分布视网膜外疾病检测。
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Existing integrity verification approaches for deep models are designed for private verification (i.e., assuming the service provider is honest, with white-box access to model parameters). However, private verification approaches do not allow model users to verify the model at run-time. Instead, they must trust the service provider, who may tamper with the verification results. In contrast, a public verification approach that considers the possibility of dishonest service providers can benefit a wider range of users. In this paper, we propose PublicCheck, a practical public integrity verification solution for services of run-time deep models. PublicCheck considers dishonest service providers, and overcomes public verification challenges of being lightweight, providing anti-counterfeiting protection, and having fingerprinting samples that appear smooth. To capture and fingerprint the inherent prediction behaviors of a run-time model, PublicCheck generates smoothly transformed and augmented encysted samples that are enclosed around the model's decision boundary while ensuring that the verification queries are indistinguishable from normal queries. PublicCheck is also applicable when knowledge of the target model is limited (e.g., with no knowledge of gradients or model parameters). A thorough evaluation of PublicCheck demonstrates the strong capability for model integrity breach detection (100% detection accuracy with less than 10 black-box API queries) against various model integrity attacks and model compression attacks. PublicCheck also demonstrates the smooth appearance, feasibility, and efficiency of generating a plethora of encysted samples for fingerprinting.
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添加到输入的最小侵犯扰动已被证明在愚弄深度神经网络方面有效。在本文中,我们介绍了几种创新,使白盒子目标攻击遵循攻击者的目标:欺骗模型将更高的目标类概率分配比任何其他更高的概率,同时停留在距原始距离的指定距离内输入。首先,我们提出了一种新的损失函数,明确地捕获了目标攻击的目标,特别是通过使用所有类的Logits而不是仅仅是一个子集。我们表明,具有这种损失功能的自动PGD比与其他常用损耗功能相比发现更多的对抗示例。其次,我们提出了一种新的攻击方法,它使用进一步发发版本的我们的损失函数捕获错误分类目标和$ l _ {\ infty} $距离限制$ \ epsilon $。这种新的攻击方法在CIFAR10 DataSet上比较成功了1.5--4.2%,而在ImageNet DataSet上比下一个最先进的攻击更成功。我们使用统计测试确认,我们的攻击优于最先进的攻击不同数据集和$ \ epsilon $和不同防御的价值。
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